Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Life in Shrink Plastic

Long long ago, I made the wonderful mistake of buying some shrink plastic...

I set it aside, thinking I'd return it for a refund, but never did so.

Once the shrink plastic was rediscovered in a pile of stuff, I figured I'd give it a whirl.

That one pack of plastic, bought by accident, changed me.

It changed me in a wonderful way.

Suddenly, I was happily making all kinds of cool things, the sky was the limit!

I really got good at working with it.  Key rings, beads, jewelry, you name it.  If it could be made into something plastic, I was on board.

I had contemplated getting a store on Etsy very early on, but since I had a younger child and was busy with school full-time, I felt I just couldn't dedicate the time necessary.

All that changed last year.  At the urging of family, friends, and co-workers, I took the leap and opened up a storefront.  I had a bracelet listed less than one week and it sold!

From that moment on, I knew I was on to something.  

Let's be clear.  Shrink plastic jewelry has been around for 50+ years.  It's nothing new.  Inkjet printable shrink plastic, however, has only been around for about 20-25 years, and the two-sided stuff for much less time.  The printable plastic is my plastic of choice.  I like being able to manipulate images and patterns and come up with cool jewelry.  I also dabble in the clear and solid colored plastic, but not like I do the printable stuff.

There are many shrink plastic sellers on Etsy.  I'm in good company!

Viewing Etsy Purchases by Seller -- Why is This Not an Option?

Little side-gripe here, but I think a long overdue request of Etsy.  I think that buyers should be able to pull up purchases, by seller.  Wh...